
Today the elementary school had a science fair for the sixth and seventh graders, and the eighth graders had a field trip. So, instead of going to class I went to the science fair for about an hour and thirty minutes. There were a lot of interesting projects, and it was cool to see students present a project that they were passionate about. One of the projects that was interesting was a demonstration about time and space which explained the characteristics of a black hole. Another project that was cool was a project about the falcon 9 SpaceX rocket which explained the design of the rocket and some facts about the rocket. After the science fair, I went back to the classroom to plan out my activity for next week. My plan is to do my activity on next Tuesday on factoring, an interesting and important topic in math. I look forward to doing my activity and hopefully helping students learn in the process.

Hours today: 3.5
Total hours: 19.5


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